Contributions receivedyear 2020
1 -EC Reg. n. 1149/2016 and 1150/2016 – promotion of wines on the markets of third countries – Abruzzo Contract 9 2018/2019:name and tax code of the lending entity: AGEA - Fiscal Code: 97181460581
2 - Reg. CE n. 1149/2016 and 1150/2016 – promotion of wines on the markets of third countries – Abruzzo Contract 6 2018/2019:name and tax code of the lending entity: AGEA - Fiscal Code: 97181460581
3 - OCM WINE INVESTMENT MEASURE _ PUBLIC NOTICE WINE CAMPAIGN 2019/2020:• total expense €680,112.98• contribution requested €272,045.18.• name and tax code of the lending entity: Abruzzo Region - Fiscal Code: 80003170661
4 - P.S.R. Abruzzo Region 2014-2020-M04 Investments in tangible fixed assets - Type of intervention 4.2.1 - Year 2016:• total expenditure of €493,301.49• required contribution of €197,320.• name and tax code of the provider: Abruzzo Region - CF: 80003170661